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Fancy a complimentary surgery with the Product Doctor?!

Fancy a complimentary surgery with the Product Doctor?!

5 Dec 2020



One of the highlights on my calendar is running the �Turning Science into Business Workshop� for your PhD participants. Now in its 4th year, we all went online and with fast moving content, lots of lively group exercises and a real life case study to work on, I�m pleased to say that maintained our high level of participant satisfaction!�

Here�s a snippet from the feedback:�

�...Short, simple, practical, useful and fun...Excellent opportunity to learn about business models...Very useful in explaining the marketing and customer side of things, which scientist often lack...Well structured, well delivered, good overview with a positive delivery�Teaches a structure to test whether business ideas are worth pursuing��

The reason I particularly like working with your gang is that the science brain embraces the method of developing a hypothesis, identifying the biggest risks and then running a test to discover missing evidence. And it�s just this approach that I use to help all sorts of people from all walks of life to move their ideas forward.�

This year I launched my new book, The Really Good Idea Test published by Pearson. As I write, I�ve just found out that today it has made it into WHSmiths as their 6th best-selling business book; so it really is a recommended read for anyone who wants to work through a new idea and find out if it has legs.�

To celebrate the launch, I would like to offer up a free hour of my time to anyone who buys the book in 2020. Perhaps you want to talk through how to commercialise your research? Or perhaps something more general - a career in business, product or innovation?�

You can find the book here on Amazon, you can find me at productdoctor.co.uk and email me direct: julia@productdoctor.co.uk

Article written by Julia Shalet, Product Doctor